On Sunday 25th September we will be praying specifically for our neighbours immediately surrounding St. Gabriel’s. In the two weeks prior to this we will be visiting their homes and leaving a prayer request card which they can fill in and return to the church, as well as offering to complete the cards with them there and then.

It is important that we as a church are visible to our neighbours and what better way than offering to pray for them.

The following are the times we will be meeting at St. Gabriel’s to go out into our community as a witnesses to Christ. We will go out in pairs and you will not be required to speak to anyone if you do not want to, but your presence is important.

Mon. 12th Sept. 2pm.    Weds. 14th Sept. 2pm.    Thurs. 15th Sept. 630pm.    Sat. 17th Sept. 2pm.

Mon. 19th Sept. 2pm.    Weds. 21st Sept. 4pm.     Thurs.22nd.Sept. 6.30pm.    Sat. 24th Sept. 2pm.

If you wish to go out at any other times please contact Alan McKinnell.

There will be a time of prayer during our normal Sunday service on 25th Sept. but there will also be a special prayer meeting at 6.00pm at St. Gabriel’s on Sunday 25th.

It is hoped that as many as possible will come along to join in with prayers.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

For more info contact Alan 07527172334.        


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