
Showing posts from August, 2017

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day thirty one.

The 31st of the month is when we pray for Pastor Alexis and the Sower Church who meet in St. Gabriel's on Sunday afternoons.  Also in your prayers please pray for Bishop Paul and Bishop Richard and all at Church house.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day thirty

The 30th of the month is when we pray for Paul. Julie, Erin and Maya Young.  Also in your prayers please pray for newer people in our congregation.

Saturday 2nd September - Musical evening


St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary. - Day twenty nine

The 29th of the month is when we pray for Vicky Woosey.  Also in your prayers please pray for past members of our church - pray that you will have contact and invite them back to church.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day twenty eight

The 28th of the month is when we pray for Ali, Nathan, Jacob, Eva and Wayne Wiltshire.  Also in your prayers please pray for the use of the church building - activities that happen here.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day Twenty seven

The 27th of the month is when we pray for Bunny Ward Also in your prayers please pray that we grow in love for one another. 

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day Twenty six

The 26th of the month is when we pray for Gary, Naoko and Kai Seddon in Japan with YWAM. Also in your prayers please pray for our missionary links, Gary and his family in Japan and Shirley Heywood in Nepal.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day twenty five

The 25th of the month is when we pray for Johnny, Rachel, Joshua, Samuel and Hannah Read. Also in your prayers please pray for our team (Toxteth Team Ministry - St Philemon's, St Cleopas & St Gabriel's) and partnership with the other churches. 

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day Twenty four

The 24th of the month is when we pray for Ermelyne Nzaya, and Benie, Jade and Emeraude . Also in your prayers please pray for those who lead, read, pray and teach in our services. 

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day twenty three

The 23rd of the month is when we pray for Debbie, Thea and Anthony Mullings and Anthony Cave. Also in your prayers please pray for marriages and family life.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day twenty two

The 22nd of the month is when we pray for Alan & Jean McKinnell. Also in your prayers please pray for the sides-people and the welcome in church and our part in it.                                                              Psalm 84 v 10.                                                                                   

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day twenty one

The 21st of the month is when we pray for Ste Manning Also in your prayers please pray for the church finances, Rachel Read our treasurer and Paul Collins the auditor.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day twenty

The 20th of the month is when we pray for Rebecca and Matthew Lythgoe Also in your prayers please pray for the fabric of the church - the access project.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day nineteen

The 19th of the month is when we pray for Paul, Teresa, James, Stephen,Lily, Sean and Ben Lalley Also in your prayers please pray for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and their leaders.

St Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day eighteen

The 18th of the month is when we pray for Margaret Jones. Also in your prayers please pray for Lisa and the children's work at St John's Pre-School.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day seventeen

The 17th of the month is when we pray for Rachel Hall and Addie Wadsworth. Also in your prayers please pray for partnerships with 468, Scripture Union and LYFC(Liverpool Youth For Christ.)

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day sixteen

The 16th of the month is when we pray for Joan, Lisa and Anna Holmes. Also in your prayers please pray for Holy Family School and Fr. John.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day fifteen

The 15th of the month is when we pray for Paul, Viv, Katie and Faye Hart. Also in your prayers please pray for our Outreach beyond Park Street.

St.Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day fourteen.

  The 14th of the month is when we pray for Dick Hamilton. Also in your prayers please pray for our Foodbank Team and the Work.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day thirteen

The 13th of the month is when we pray for Brenda Gilsenan.   Also in your prayers please pray for our Sunday School Leaders and the children.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day twelve

The 12th of the month is when we pray for Danny Garsten David, Jan, Jack and Will Gavin.  Also in your prayers please pray for North-West Partnership and city-wide mission initiatives.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day eleven

The 11th of the month is when we pray for Mark and Belinda Freeman. John Fonkou Also in your prayers please pray for St. Philemon's church family. Brian and Alice, Edward, Charlotte and Lucy Elfick.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day ten

The 10th of the month is when we pray for Ian and Jane Edwards. Aaron Ellison, Lauren Marley, Carson and Ruby.  Also in your prayers please pray for St. Cleopas church family, Cleo's cafe - Wendy, Joan, Ann-Marie and the volunteers.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day nine

The 9th of the month is when we pray for Sharon Davies Ian Duxbury, Paula Summers, Dominic, Bobby, and Emma. Also in your prayers please pray that we hear and obey God's Word. Pray for the Preaching, teaching and Triplets groups. For those in triplets pray for your triplet partners.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day eight

The 8th of the month is when we pray for Phyllis Cosgrove. Carl, Lauren, Grace, Olivia and Bailey. Also in your prayers please pray for our calling and witness at home.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day seven

The 7th of the month is when we pray for Chris, Ruth, Jack, Joshua & Finlay Cookson. Also in your prayers please pray for Rob and the youth work at St. John's Youth Centre.

St. Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day six

The 6th of the month is when we pray for Fran, Nina, Sophie and Ethan Connell. Also in your prayers please pray for our neighbours and in particular the new people moving in to the new houses around St. Gabriel's.

St Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day Five

The 5th of the month is when we pray for Richard Byrne. Also in your prayers please pray for local hospital visiting teams.                                                           Staff at Royal. Broadgreen, Women's, Alder Hey, Clatterbridge.

St Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day four

The 4th of the month is when we pray for Stephen Bird. Also in your prayers please pray for an increasing prayer life within our church. 

St Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day Three

The 3rd of the month is when we pray for Eddie Bilsborrow. Also in your prayers please pray for our Funeral ministry and the bereaved.

St Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day Two

The 2nd of the month is when we pray for Felix and Jane Bellingham. Also in our prayers please pray for our musicians who help us in our Sunday worship to God, and also for us as a congregation as we seek to worship together to Praise God!

St Gabriel's Prayer Diary - Day One

The 1st of the month is when we pray for Joan, Ernie, Mark, Nicola and Nathan Astley. Also in our prayers please pray for our Parents and Todddlers group, abc, currently on summer break but still hold in our prayers the volunteers and all the children and parents who attend.