
Showing posts from April, 2019

Sunday 28th April 10.00am

Join us this Sunday as we Praise God with a thankful heart. Guest speaker Cath Kophamel from St James in the City.  ALL WELCOME.

Sunday @ 6 28th April Fellowship meal followed by Holy Communion

This week at our Sunday @ 6 meeting we will be having a fellowship meal followed by Holy Communion presided over by Rev Bill Sanders. We will be looking at John 10 v 1 - 18 continuing our study of the seven 'I ams' this week we have two 'I am the the gate' and 'I am the good shepherd'

abc parents and toddlers group

During the building work at St Gabriel's our parents and toddlers group will be meeting in St Cleopas Church   Mill Street,  during term time, 0930 - 1100am . ALL WELCOME 

Rev Sian Gasson - installation date 1st August 2019

At St Gabriel's yesterday we were pleased to hear the announcement that the Rev Sian Gasson will be joining us on the 1st August 2019.   Please keep her in your prayers at this exciting time for her and all at St Gabriels and St Cleopas Dingle.

Easter Sunday Service - 21st April 10.00am - Christ is Risen


Maunday Thursday service 7.00pm at St Gabriel's

Join us this Thursday 18th April at St Gabriel's 7.00pm  for our joint service with St Cleopas. ALL WELCOME

GAP (St Gabriel's Access Project) - Update

12th April 2019 The building work continues to move on.... and one thing that has moved is the Baptismal Font seen here in it's new position just inside the main Worship area. The partition (seen here in the photographs) has also moved forward to make way for the new stairwell and lift shaft. Keep praying for our contractors at this time and for St Gabriel's still to be used for God's Glory during this time of upheaval. 'always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.' Ephesians 5 v 20

Sunday 14th April 10.00am Palm Sunday

This Sunday we have Rev Tabitha Rao bringing God's Word and leading us in Holy Communion. Why not join us 10.00am @ St Gabriel's Dingle. ALL WELCOME.

Easter Sunday 21st April 10.00am

Holy Week - starts this Sunday 14th April with Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday - 14th April 10.00am at St Gabriels                        Holy Communion with Rev Tabitha Rao  Maundy Thursday - 18th April 7.00pm at St Gabriels  Good Friday - 19th April. 1030am at St Cleopas Easter Sunday - 24th April 10.00am at St Gabriels's                     Holy Communion with Rev Mike McGurk  Come along and join us at any or all of the above services.  All Welcome. 

7th April 10.00am - Worship as Usual

This Sunday we are at St Gabriel's 10.00am Praise and Worship continues as usual. COME AND PRAISE THE LORD

Foodbank donation from St Silas school.

Just back from St Silas school where the children helped load up a great donation. Such a blessing.  They are learning to give without having to see who actually gets the benefit but trusting that they are doing God's work in feeding the hungry. Praise God

1st April 2019 - St Gabriel's Access Project - building work started today Praise God

1st April 2019 - St Gabriel's Access Project -  building work started today Praise God Please pray for all involved in the work to be lead by God and to be kept safe as they (whether they realise it or not) do God's work.