
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sunday 26th July 2020

click on read more to watch and listen to sermon Hello, It is not deliberate, of course, but there is a slightly Welsh flavour to today's service. As well as Dean Sue's Welsh lilt, most of you will know our third hymn, and I have found a beautiful poem by R.S. Thomas, which was inspired by today's Gospel reading As always, I hope you are well. Please let me know if you would like prayer for anything.  Love and God bless, Sian

Sunday 19th July 2020 Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Sian here! For the next few weeks, there will be a slight difference to our regular service, in that the sermon will be written and delivered by someone different each time. This week, it is the turn of the Bishop of Liverpool, Paul Bayes, no less. Now, just to clarify, we had already recorded our Bible readings before we knew about this, so Bishop Paul has based his sermon on our Gospel reading from Matthew 13 (Parable of the Weeds) and Romans 8:12-25. Here is the service and sermon:  click on read more to view and hear video 

Sunday 12th July 2020 - 5th Sunday after trinity

to watch and hear the sermon click on read more Hello again, I know we're all getting a bit confused about what day of the week it is, but the weather has made me forget that we're actually in July. Hopefully, we'll get some sun again soon. Once again, the service/sermon and hymns are coming as separate links. Hymns: 1. Come, Now is the Time to Worship 2. Great Big God 3. How Great is our God/ How Great Thou Art Parable of the Sower/Farmer cartoon Service/sermon: For some unknown reason, the service video seems to open in quite a small window. The sound is fine, but if you want to see it well, you might need to go to full screen. Please don't forget that the service is available over the telephone for anyone who doesn't have internet access, or would prefer to listen rather than watch, so please share this number with a nei...

Sunday 5th July 4th Sunday after Trinity

(To hear the service click on read more) We are easing out of lockdown but we're not quite ready to meet for Sunday Worship yet, as the procedure is so complicated. However, people have been coming to both Gabbie's and Cleo's for private prayer sessions, so we will continue with them, and Sunday@6 are meeting tomorrow evening (5th July). Even when we get back into our buildings for Sunday services, we will continue a mixture of e-mails, WhatsApp and local telephone lines to share the service, as I'm sure not everyone will be up to coming back at the same time. It's been lovely to catch up with a few of you recently, please keep in touch and let me know if you have any prayer requests. God bless. With love, Sian