
Showing posts from November, 2020

Sunday 29th November 2020 The first Sunday of Advent

 Hello, Sorry this is so late but I've had a very disjointed few days! We seem to be heading out of lockdown👍, so I shall update you on December's church services later in the week (after our PCC meeting). I hope you are well, I know quite a few people who have been badly hit by COVID, so please stay safe and let me know if there is any help you need. click read more to view sermon If you would like to join us on Zoom on Sunday at 11.15am for about half an hour, we will look at three questions: 1. Where do you see signs of God's presence? 2. What does God nudge you about? 3. What makes you hopeful? Here is the Zoom link: Siân Gasson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Siân Gasson's Zoom Meeting Time: Nov 29, 2020 11:15 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 843 3040 1782 Passcode: 104686 Please join us, even if you're late! God bless. With love, Sian

Sunday 22nd November 2020 Christ the King Sunday.

Click on read more for video link   Hello again, It's the last Sunday before Advent, Christ the King, so next week starts a new liturgical year (Year B). Obviously, we don't yet know what will happen with church buildings opening etc, but we can still be church in so many different ways. The Zoom meeting seemed to work for a few of us last week, so we'll try again tomorrow at 11.15am for about half an hour or so: Topic: Siân Gasson's Zoom Meeting Time: Nov 22, 2020 11:15 AM London Join Zoom Meeting 82583730078?pwd= YjJyM1FCWXByaWFsUVE1MjlVeHU4dz 09 Meeting ID: 825 8373 0078 Passcode: 693550 Zoom questions to consider: How easy is it to think of "being church" rather than "going to church"? Has anyone ever made a difference to your life with kindness? Do you have a short testimony, saying what Jesus has done for you? The Bishops, Archdeacons and the Cathedral Dean are going to prepare some sermons over the Advent season, so ...

Sunday 15th November 1115am Special Zoom Meeting to discuss Sermon and Fellowship.

  Hello, A few people have asked about meeting over Zoom on Sunday mornings, so I'm going to attempt a compromise this Sunday and see how it goes! The service and sermon are on YouTube and my suggestion is that we watch it on Sunday morning and then meet over Zoom at 11.15am for 30 minutes' discussion. The questions to consider are: What is the greatest gift God has given to you? What contributes most to you burying your gift: comparison to others, fear or laziness? Imagine reviewing your life with God: what step could you take today to minimise regret at the end of your life? Big questions, I know, but it's a big parable this week Service and sermon: And here is the Zoom link for the 11.15 meeting (don't worry if you're late!): Topic: Siân Gasson's Zoom Meeting Time: Nov 15, 2020 11:15 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 5478 8377 Passcode: 655830 Ple...

Sunday 15th November 2020 - Open For Private Prayer - 11.00am


Sunday 8th November - Parish of Dingle Memorial Service

  Click on read more to see video

St Gabriel's Church Open for Private Prayer - Sundays 11.00am


Join in A Time of National Prayer - Everyday at 6.00pm from now until 2nd Dec.
