
Showing posts from January, 2021

Sunday 31st January 2021 - Candelmas - join us on Zoom

 I f you would like to join us on Sunday for our Zoom service, please bring a candle, if you have a spare, as it is Candlemas and we'll remember Mary and Joseph presenting Jesus at the Temple. Zoom link (I'm hoping this will be the same every week): Siân Gasson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Parish of Dingle Morning Worship Time: 10.30am Join Zoom Meeting 85455109886?pwd= a0lUY2NqZW1nVDZTcmpzNkdhdGxKZz 09 Meeting ID: 854 5510 9886 Passcode: 786904 Thinking ahead to Lent, if anyone wants any book recommendations, please let me know. We're going to try and run a Lent course over Zoom, probably on a Tuesday evening, 7.30pm, for five weeks. Also, is anyone up for trying to do something on Shrove Tuesday (16th February)? Maybe a quiz over Zoom? Bring your own pancakes! Pauline Cawley is still in hospital (a different hospital from last week!). She has had a stroke but is doing well. Last night, she couldn't sleep, so please pra...

Sunday 31st January 2021 - Join us online

I f you would like to join us please bring a candle, if you have a spare, as it is Candlemas and we'll remember Mary and Joseph presenting Jesus at the Temple. click on read more to view

Sunday 24th January 2021 - (join in on Zoom)

  Hello, I hope you are well and have so far managed to stay upright in the colder, more slippery conditions. Buzz enjoyed his first experience of snow this week, followed swiftly by his first shower!  Service and sermon:  Here's the link for our Zoom service at 10.30am on Sunday: Join Zoom Meeting 85455109886?pwd= a0lUY2NqZW1nVDZTcmpzNkdhdGxKZz 09 Meeting ID: 854 5510 9886 Passcode: 786904 Please remember those of our church family who aren't too well at the moment: Pauline Cawley is in hospital, Freda is recovering at home now, so is Dick Hamilton, and a few other people have had some health concerns over the last week. Thank you to all of you who set the church building up for Liz's funeral, all who came to pay your respects and all who stayed behind and tidied up afterwards. Please continue to pray for the family. As always, please stay in touch and let me know if you need anything. God bless. With love, Sian

Sunday 24th January 2021 The Third Sunday of Epiphany (join in online)

  Hello, I hope you are well and have so far managed to stay upright in the colder, more slippery conditions. Buzz enjoyed his first experience of snow this week, followed swiftly by his first shower! Please remember those of our church family who aren't too well at the moment: Pauline Cawley is in hospital, Freda is recovering at home now, so is Dick Hamilton, and a few other people have had some health concerns over the last week. Thank you to all of you who set the church building up for Liz's funeral, all who came to pay your respects and all who stayed behind and tidied up afterwards. Please continue to pray for the family. As always, please stay in touch and let me know if you need anything. God bless. With love, Sian

17th January 2021 - The Second Sunday of Epiphany - Zoom link (1030am)

Hello, It's the Second Sunday of Epiphany already and - would you believe it? - we've still got our Christmas tree up. It's going to stay up until Candlemas, cats permitting! Please join us on Zoom Sunday morning, if you can.  Also, please pray for Roy, Neil, Natalie and the family as we move towards Liz's funeral on Wednesday; Freda Tudor is in hospital, too. Hoping that we all hear God speak to us this week. God bless. With love, Sian   Zoom link: Topic: Parish of Dingle, Sunday worship Time: Jan 17, 2021 10:30 AM London (Click on read more to access Zoom Link) Join Zoom Meeting 84322510719?pwd= YWVuc2tLOWVQa2VBOUdxTDdyMnBnZz 09 Meeting ID: 843 2251 0719 Passcode: 974619

17th January 2021 - The Second Sunday of Epiphany - view online

  Hello, It's the Second Sunday of Epiphany already and - would you believe it? - we've still got our Christmas tree up. It's going to stay up until Candlemas, cats permitting! Service and sermon:  click on read more to view Please join us Sunday morning on Zoom, if you can.  Also, please pray for Roy, Neil, Natalie and the family as we move towards Liz's funeral on Wednesday;  Freda Tudor is in hospital, too. Hoping that we all hear God speak to us this week. God bless. With love, Sian

Sunday 10th January 2021.

  Service and sermon:  click on read more to view video Please feel free to go through the service on your own, but if you would like to join us at 10.30am on Sunday, here is the Zoom link: Topic: First Sunday of Epiphany, Morning Prayer Time: Jan 10, 2021 10:30 AM London

Foodbank 2021 - Tuesdays 1 - 3pm.

  The Foodbank continues to remain open during all Lockdown and Covid - 19 restrictions. We operate in a safe environmnet to protect clients, volunteers and our community. Pleas do not hesitate to contact us if you have a need.  

Sunday @ 6 - Every Sunday 6.00pm St Gabriel's.

We are still meeting every Sunday @ 6 and are following all Covid-19 protocols to ensure we meet safely to protect each other and our communities.  God bless.

Sunday Services during the latest Lockdown. (Zoom, You Tube and Landline Options.)

In light of Monday's announcement by the Prime Minister about the latest restrictions, and following government and diocesan advice, the Standing Committee has decided not to open our church buildings for Sunday services for the next few weeks . Obviously, we will review this and update you as we move into February but, for now, with the virus and its new mutation spreading so quickly, we are playing our part in keeping people safe and helping to stop the spread. I shall continue to prepare services and email them out as documents and YouTube links and we can meet at 10.30am on Sundays over Zoom. Other options could include recording the service onto a landline number again, so people without the internet can listen to the service. Please let me know if you can think of anyone who would like to access the service by phone.  Thank you and God bless, Sian

Sunday 3rd January 2021 - Happy New Year - The Second Sunday of Christmas.

  click read more to view