
Showing posts from June, 2017

Mission trip to Nicaragua

Our own Josh Read is off to Nicaragua in July on a mission trip All I know is it's a long way away. Come and hear more about it from Josh this Sunday @ 1000am in St Gabriel's. Nicaraguan Motto: En Dios confiamos (Spanish) "In God We Trust" (Got that from Google)


Here at St Gabriel's church our aim is to serve the community with the love of Jesus Christ. We run the foodbank Tuesdays  1 - 3 pm During the last year we were able to help many people in the local community in their time of crisis. At the foodbank we offer tea, coffee and a prayer. This has enabled us to make friendships with some who come back for a chat and to tell of prayers answered (Praise God.) We also have made good contacts with the local community police who drop in, and with local groups like Slimming World and Network Rail, local schools and local residents, who's generosity last Christmas enabled us to give out food parcels and presents to people in the local community who we were aware of having a need but would not approach a foodbank directly. (The elderly) It was much appreciated by those who received it, and they were so blessed that someone had thought about them, particularly at this time of year. With generous donations already in we will be re...

Sundays @ St Gabriel's now start at 1000am
