
Showing posts from April, 2016

Mission in Japan April 2016 Special Prayer Request

Gary & Naoko in Japan Special Prayer Request: April 2016 Dear friends, family and partners of Jesus' mission here in Japan! We hope this update finds you well. This is a shorter update than usual with two very specific prayer requests. Tohoku Vision Trip We have been planning another vision and prayer trip to Tohoku that will happen from 7 to 12 May. We really wanted to make sure another trip happened before the baby arrives! Naoko will not be coming on this trip, but I will be leading a team of between 4 to 6 guys. This time, we will focus on the large cities in the very north of the region- Aomori, Akita and Iwate. We are also planning on visiting a church in Sendai, the largest city, as well as visiting a town called Kamaishi which we visited in 2011 after the tsunami. The town has come a long way since then and will in fact be a host of the 2019 Rugby World Cup! We want to meet with missionaries th...

Week of Prayer 9th - 15th May

Week of Prayer Prayer Walking – May 9 th – 15 th Monday           9 th May      3.30pm – 4.15pm Tuesday         10 th May      8.00am – 8.45am Wednesday   11 th May    7.30pm – 8.15pm Thursday       12 th May      3.15pm – 4.00pm Friday            13 th May      7.30am – 8.15am Saturday        14 th May    10.00am – 10.45 am All the above starting from St. Gabriel’s Church. Sunday           15 th May  3.00pm Joining with the PENTECOST PAGEANT starting at 3pm from the Anglican Cathedral. Suggested areas 1)       New flats/Graft...

Prayer Walks

Sunday 15 th May The traditional biannual two Cathedral's walk takes on a new twist as we link with the city council and our partners along Hope Street for a fabulous Pentecost Pageant - Celebration of Hope HOPE Street will be transformed into a stage filled with performers, singers and artists celebrating Liverpool’s Pentecost Pageant. Pentecost - a celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles – has been marked in Liverpool for 34 years with a ‘two cathedrals walk” which sees thousands of people process between the two cathedrals on Hope Street in a show of unity and celebration. At 3pm the traditional procession will take place starting from the Anglican Cathedral and anyone intending to join in is asked to wear to wear red or white clothing - the colours associated with Pentecost.  The parade will culminate with a major act of worship from the steps of the Metropolitan Cathedral.


Why not check out our facebook page      click here

Sunday 10th April

We had a great time at St Philemon's for a Team service ( St Philemons, St Gabriels, St Cleopas churches having a joint service) It was great to see Mark get Baptised by full immersion, keep praying for this young man as he put Jesus first in his life. Also great to here testimonies of how others have had a touch from Jesus, putting their trust in him and seeing their lives changed. Live life to the full. Full of Hope, full of Peace, full of Love, full of Jesus.

Sunday 3rd April

Last Sunday we had David Gavin bring us a word and a challenge.  'Have you made Jesus Christ Lord of your life?' In the lead up to Easter we have been focussing on the sayings of Jesus from the cross. This Sunday we looked at when Jesus Gave up His spirit to God and breathed His last. we saw how Jesus consciously chose to give up His life to God, His Father. Jesus always is our example and we need to consciously decide to give our lives over to Jesus as Lord, not in death, but in life. "then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.............. as for me and my household,  we will serve the  Lord .” Joshua 24:15 click here ..............   

Sunday 10th April

Sunday 10th April - we will be having a joint service at St Philemon's church, should be great it's a Baptismal service in their Baptismal tank.  Not sure what that's about? Come along And find out. If you don't know where St Philemon's is don't worry, come along to St Gabriel's at the usual time 1030 as we will have a minibus to take you there 😀


Alpha will continue on the 10th April at 6.00pm where we will be looking at  Why did Jesus die? 

Sunday 3rd April

We return no normal services, after the busyness of the Easter period, this Sunday at 1030 when David Gavin will be bringing the word. Many people enjoyed the various services over Easter including Maundy Thursday at St Gabriel's where we enjoyed a supper prepared by Dave and communion, a reflection of how Jesus would have spent His last evening with His disciples, On Good Friday we were at St Cleopas for a time of reflection on the death of Jesus. Easter Sunday saw us celebrate the Risen Christ. In between time at St Gabriel's we had an Easter celebration on the Saturday evening with drama, poems and songs with a large and varied cast bringing us the story of Easter.