
Showing posts from August, 2020

Sunday 30th August 2020

  Hello again, This is our last Sunday service with a guest preacher, and we are fortunate to have the return of Bishop Paul, preaching on a very challenging Gospel passage. Click on read more to watch video We are aiming to get back into church services in September. Obviously there are restrictions: social distancing, face masks, no singing, no refreshments... We won't attempt communion services yet. We will still provide some form of service for those of us not ready to venture out yet. I shall keep you updated through the week. We don't want to turn people away if numbers are too large, so we may have to think of either a booking system or consecutive services. At our last PCC meeting, we committed to meeting for prayer more regularly, to seek God's vision for us as a parish. I am going to prepare a short booklet this week for everyone, so none of us are left out of the BIble readings and prayer topics we'll be focussing on. Finally, I'd like to say a massive th

Sunday 23rd August 2020

  Hello, I hope you're well. Today's sermon, from Archdeacon Pete, is based on one of the most important Gospel passages, where Simon Peter recognises Jesus for who he is. This life-changing moment leads to the question of whether or not we have had a similar encounter with Jesus Christ. And if we have, how has it changed our lives and brought others closer to him?

Sunday 16th August 2020

  Hello again, Apart from snow, I think we've experienced just about every type of weather over the last week! If anyone doubts God's power, those massive storms were enough to remind us of the passage in Psalm 18:6-15, where David describes what happened when he called out to the Lord in distress: "He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him - the dark rain clouds of the sky. Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced with hailstones and bolts of lightning. The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded." (verses 11-13). Bishop Bev delivers today's sermon, based on the Gospel reading.

Church Activities During Covid update.

Update 11Aug. In a change, current regulations are that face masks should be worn in church by those over 11, there are some exceptions, such as leading a service communion etc and in particular those unable to wear facemasks similar to shops. General Ordinary Sunday services have not yet restarted at Gabbies and Cleos. As ever you can talk to God anytime, He is only a prayer away. As of week commencing 29th June there are some opportunities to pray at St. Gabriel's or St. Cleopas. Both churches have been laid out to be as secure as we can and we are restricted in what we can do of course. Gabbies will be open for private prayer. Tuesday 7pm to 8pm Thursday 2pm to 3pm Cleos will be open for private prayer. Thursday 7pm to 8pm Friday 2pm to 3pm There is no-one leading, but you can sit, pray quietly as you wish. At Gabbies, there will be some prayers on a screen at the front, but you can ignore these if you wish you can light a candle and stay for 5 minutes of the whole hour. Sunday&

9th August 2020 NInth Sunday after Trinity, Morning Prayer

  To see and hear sermon click on read more Hello, It's been a difficult week. As you know, we have taken a direct hit from the effects of the pandemic and lockdown, by having to make the painful decision to close Cleo's Cafe.  Our sermon today, from Archdeacon Simon, is based on the Gospel reading (which is missing from our service video - sorry!), Matthew 14:22-33. Jesus walks across the water to meet his disciples, who were feeling battered in their boat. At first, they thought Jesus was a ghost; Jesus reassured them, then Peter asked Jesus to invite him to come to him. We are out of our depth at times and Jesus comes to meet us. Like the disciples, strangely, we don't always recognise him, but when we let him in, he calms the storm and we can worship him.  Please continue to pray for our parish, especially those closely connected with the cafe (Joan, Ryan and Christine) and their families.  Thank you to all those who have offered support. As always, please keep in touch

Sunday 2nd August 2020

Well, hello! I hope you are well, I realise the holiday season is upon us and some of you are sneaking away whilst you get the chance.  I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has been involved in contributing to our Sunday worship. Some of us are visible but a few people have worked hard behind the scenes to film and edit, record audio and get it loaded onto the landline (0151 318 6158). Thank you all so much. Even when we eventually get back to "normal" church services, we will still provide the service in different formats for those who can't make it out. If nothing else, it keeps my sermons to a time limit! God bless. Love, Sian