This Sunday we had David Thomson bringing us the word from John 19 v 17-30 click here. In these verses we see Jesus, even as He is suffering and dying, thinking about His mother, particularly poignant as it was Mothering Sunday, and speaking to us about Grace. God's grace to reach out to others even when we ourselves may be going through so much. He also challenged us as a church about how graceful we are when others come to our church in search of acceptance and love, and are we seen as a place where grace abounds to a lost and hurting world, where no matter what issues people have they will be loved and accepted, even when we ourselves may be going through some hard times. The Spirit of the living God must be allowed to work in us and through us, so that the love and grace of the living God will shine among us, that all men may come to see the real Jesus within us. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 that ...