
Showing posts from March, 2016

Christ is Risen

  Christ is Risen. Alleluia!

Holy Week

This Holy Week why not come and join us at one (or more) of our special Easter services. Maundy Thursday 24th March 7.15pm @ St Gabriel's for Supper, and Holy Communion.  Good Friday 25th March 3.00pm @ St Cleopas, Mill Street, L8. Gentle reflective service. Lifted High Saturday 26th March @ St Gabriel's 7.00pm a production of songs, poems and drama depicting the Easter Story.

Palm Sunday

click here This Sunday David Gavin continued with our series on the seven sayings of Jesus from the Cross. This Sunday we looked at Jesus word's  'My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me' Matthew 27 v 45-50 click here We firstly read Psalm 22 together, click here , where we saw the prophecies contained in it about the crucifixion of Christ and the theme of the Suffering Servant. We went on to look at why Jesus died and the price He paid for our sins, and how all our sins can be forgiven if we trust and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He has made things right for us with God the Father and how we do not have to earn our forgiveness but by truly believing and receiving the Grace and Mercy of a God who loves us. But, we have to make God personal to us, My God, My Lord, My Savior.  Have you made Jesus the Lord of your life ?   
St Cleopas’, St Gabriel’s and St Philemon’s are going away for a weekend together.  All ages are welcome. We will enjoy:   -            Home-cooked meals made by a dedicated team of chefs   -            A variety of games, activities & evening entertainments -            Bible talks by Ste Casey, pastor of Speke Baptist Church -            Plenty of space and free time to relax in a comfy country house check out this link to get a taste of how it went when St Philemon's went last year.   click here When?  Fri 27 th  May (dinner served at 6.30pm) to Mon 30 th  May (leaving after lunch).   Where?  Quinta Christian Conference Centre, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LR ( ). We can organize a lift f...

Saturday 26th March - Easter Celebration


Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.

Sunday 13th March saw Rev David Gavin bring us the message on Luke 23 : 32 - 43 click here It was good to hear from David again as we continued our look at the seven things Jesus said from the Cross, today's saying was broken into three parts by David. 'TODAY,           YOU WILL BE WITH ME (Jesus)           IN PARADISE' What happens when we die?   There were two thieves on the crosses either side of Jesus, one was told by Jesus, today he would be with Jesus in Paradise, Why?  This thief was guilty of crimes so bad he was being crucified, he was breathing his last and would never be able to do any good deeds that would earn his way into heaven, yet Jesus accepted him, Why?  The thief turned to Jesus saying 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' He acknowledged Jesus as king.' Jesus immediately accepted him, forgave him and welcomed him.  This is the same as what is offer...

Sunday 6th March

This Sunday we had David Thomson bringing us the word from John 19 v 17-30 click here. In these verses we see Jesus, even as He is suffering and dying, thinking about His mother, particularly poignant as it was Mothering Sunday, and speaking to us about Grace. God's grace to reach out to others even when we ourselves may be going through so much. He also challenged us as a church about how graceful we are when others come to our church in search of acceptance and love, and are we seen as a place where grace abounds to a lost and hurting world, where no matter what issues people have they will be loved and accepted, even when we ourselves may be going through some hard times. The Spirit of the living God must be allowed to work in us and through us, so that the love and grace of the living God will shine among us, that all men may come to see the real Jesus within us. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 that ...

Wedding at St Gabriel's

Congratulations to Carl & Lauren on their wedding today at St. Gabriel's .  


Sunday the 28th saw the start of Alpha. Nine of us enjoyed a light buffet followed by the introductory Alpha (click here) talk. Then it was coffee and dessert while we discussed what we were watching. There will be no Alpha session this week as it's Mother's day and many will be busy, but please feel free to come along and join us on Sunday 13th March, 6pm in St Gabriel's Church where we will be looking at the session Who is Jesus? All are welcome no matter your background or place on your journey.    

Sunday 28th February

Last Sunday we had Craig and Lana and their family and friends for the Thanksgiving and Blessing of their baby Ava. What a pleasure it was to have them along and have the chance to join with them in thanking God for new life. Jesus said 'Let the little children come unto me,' Matthew 19 v 14. click We then had Paula preaching on Luke 23v34. Click here . 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.' Jesus said this as He hung on the cross, and while they definitely knew what they were doing, as in crucifying a man, they did not know that they were doing, as in crucifying the Son of God. Jesus chose to forgive those who had used and abused Him, who mocked Him and refused to believe Him and ultimately tortured and killed Him. That takes a lot of doing and that kind of forgiveness can only come from God. That forgiveness is available from God today for all of us, no matter how big or how small we may think our sins are, sin is sin. But wh...