
Showing posts from April, 2020

Praying always with thanksgiving to GOD!!!


A Time to Pray

Interestingly enough in the contrasting seasons and times talked about by the writer of Ecclesiastes there is never a time 'not to pray, now as always we must be praying continuously  (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 New King James Version (NKJV) 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.)
Individuals and Families Giving To St. Gabriel's The congregation and other hall users have to raise, between us, about £400 to £450 every week to keep St. Gabriel's building and general ministry running. For any church finance matters please talk in confidence to the treasurer Rachel Read (07963 683 864 ) if you have any questions about where money comes from or where it goes. There are lots of ways you can give to share the cost of St Gabriel’s Church and mission financially. For those of us who are members of the congregation involved weekly in the church, the best way to give is through the  Parish Giving Scheme (see below).  I know there are others who are friends of Gabbies who provide very welcome support to the work, the community or one of the projects, in less regular ways. We really appreciate your support and you may wish to give by clicking on a our JustGiving page  here  or look at other ways below. ...

Sunday 26th April 2020 Service

There are no live services at Gabbies or Cleos at the moment. But below the vicar Sian has set out a personal service you can work through on your own or with your household. A 10 minute version of this with Debbie Ellison from Cleos leading and Sian's talk can be listened to on this link,  Gabbies Cleos Audio Service 26 April  or you might know people with just a landline they can listen to it by phoning 0151 318 6158 This from the Vicar Sian Gasson Hello everyone, Here's a short service for the Third Sunday of Easter (yes, we can celebrate Easter for a few more weeks!) I hope you are all well and enjoying the sun, although I understand the rain might be here soon.  Anyway, here are some hymns: 1. Lord, Reign in Me ZzEkhTwiODc 2. Resurrection Day cJaU 3. O, Praise the Name! (Anastasis) LqBpifDpNKc Extra song. This is great fun (the video is not for social distancing...

Staying connected

Staying connected with each other is important at this and anytime. Here at St Gabriel's our Sunday morning service is available on facebook, by email and on 'dial a sermon' just dial 0151 318 6158 and listen to a short service including a word from Sian and there is the Gabbies Whatsapp group. But we must always remember the most important connection we need to be maintaing at this time, our connection to God. With a multitude of Daily Reading plans, online sermons etc etc it is tempting to let others do the work for us. But why not make the decision to set aside a time for a personal one on one with God, just to sit and read the Word, pray and listen to God and be in His presence.

Back to church Sunday - coming to a church near you

As soon as all this lockdown is over we will be having a church service which everyone is invited too,  To give thanks and praise to God who has been with us throughout, in the good times and the bad. (keep an eye on our facebook page for details)    

Easter Sunday 12th April 2020 - We are not in the building but we are still church and still celebrating


Palm Sunday 5th April - Check out our facebook page for todays word from Sian
