
Showing posts from February, 2021

Sunday 28th February 2021 join us online anytime or live on Zoom 10.30am!

  Hello, I hope you're well and enjoying the improvement in the weather (as well as the rugby results!). service and sermon click on read more to view The Zoom link is the same as every Sunday morning: Topic: Parish of Dingle Morning Worship Time: 10.30am Join Zoom Meeting 85455109886?pwd= a0lUY2NqZW1nVDZTcmpzNkdhdGxKZz 09 Meeting ID: 854 5510 9886 Passcode: 786904 Find your local number: keIbb9I1Ot Has anyone started a Lent garden yet? And if anyone would like something to read over Lent, please let me know. We'll keep you posted on what will happen with Sunday services as soon as we know a bit more. Meanwhile, please stay safe and keep in touch. God bless. With love, Sian

Sunday 21st February 2021 First Sunday of Lent - Join us online or live on Zoom!

  Hello, I hope you are well and enjoying the fact that the days are getting longer (not to mention warmer, wetter and windier!) Service and Sermon Click Read More to view or join us on Zoom - see link below. Zoom link: Topic: Parish of Dingle Morning Worship Time: Sunday, 10.30am Join Zoom Meeting 85455109886?pwd= a0lUY2NqZW1nVDZTcmpzNkdhdGxKZz 09 Meeting ID: 854 5510 9886 Passcode: 786904 Find your local number: keIbb9I1Ot Please don't forget, we are starting our five-week Lent course - "Shining as Lights" - on Wednesday at 7pm. You don't have to commit to coming (over Zoom) every week, just when you can make it: Topic: Lent Course - Shining as Lights Time: Wednesday, 7pm Join Zoom Meeting 88675388675?pwd= VnZ4eHU2elI5VURBYktUM0pPSzdudz 09 Meeting ID: 886 7538 8675 Passcode: 107260 As you have probably heard, Pauline Cawley died in hospital last Tuesday afternoon. Her funeral is likely...

Sunday 14th February 2021 Join us on Zoom!

  Hello again, I hope you are keeping safe and warm, and that those of us who are on half-term manage to get a break from the chaos of home-schooling. Well done for getting this far! Lent begins this week. As no one got back to me about doing pancakes together over Zoom, we'll give that a miss. However, on Wednesday evening, you're invited to Ash Wednesday Evening Prayer over Zoom, starting at 7.30pm. The link will be the same as the Sunday one and I'll send out the order of service nearer the time. I've also attached a copy of the Lent prayer booklet that I've already sent out to those on the Electoral Roll (as I have their addresses!). Please join us in using these prayers over Lent. Service and sermon: Topic: Parish of Dingle Morning Worship Time: Sunday, 10.30am Join Zoom Meeting 85455109886?pwd= a0lUY2NqZW1nVDZTcmpzNkdhdGxKZz 09 Meeting ID: 854 5510 9886 Passcode: 786904 In other news, Pauline Cawley is nearing the end of her life in ...

Sunday 14th February 2021 - Join us online

  Hello again, I hope you are keeping safe and warm, and that those of us who are on half-term manage to get a break from the chaos of home-schooling. Well done for getting this far! Lent begins this week. As no one got back to me about doing pancakes together over Zoom, we'll give that a miss. However, on Wednesday evening, you're invited to Ash Wednesday Evening Prayer over Zoom, starting at 7.30pm. The link will be the same as the Sunday one and I'll send out the order of service nearer the time. Service and sermon  click read more to view In other news, Pauline Cawley is nearing the end of her life in hospital. The only way she can respond is by raising her eyebrows but she has loved the chaplain going in and singing hymns with her. I'm taking the funeral of Maria Stewart on Monday and Lily Bethell on Friday, both local ladies. Please stay in touch and let me know if we can help in any way.  God bless. With love, Sian

Sunday 7th February 2021 - Join us on Zoom! All Welcome!

  Hello, Would you believe it? It's the second Sunday before Lent!  Service and sermon: The Zoom link for Sunday's service is: Topic: Parish of Dingle Morning Worship Time: Sunday, 10.30am Join Zoom Meeting https a0lUY2NqZW1 85455109886?pwd= nVDZTcmpzNkdhdGxKZz 09 :// Meeting ID: 854 5510 9886 Passcode: 786904 Find your local number: keIbb9I1Ot In other news, Pauline Cawley seems to be doing well in hospital, as she is being fed through a tube, which is much better for her. If you think a Lent book or daily e-mails are too much for you, this Church of England page has a few other options, including an app and a phoneline: https://www.churchofengland. org/resources/livelent-2021- church-resources-gods-story- our-story I shall be in touch again soon. Meanwhile, stay safe! God bless, Sian

Sunday 7th February 2021 - Join us online!

  Hello,  Would you believe it? It's the second Sunday before Lent!  Service and sermon - click read more to view In other news, Pauline Cawley seems to be doing well in hospital, as she is being fed through a tube, which is much better for her. If you think a Lent book or daily e-mails are too much for you, this Church of England page has a few other options, including an app and a phoneline: https://www.churchofengland. org/resources/livelent-2021- church-resources-gods-story- our-story I shall be in touch again soon. Meanwhile, stay safe! God bless, Sian