Sunday Times

During the months of February and March we are going to be experimenting with the times of our services - so here they are -

St Gabriels and St Cleopas service times February 2017

5th Feb – Both at 1100am for AGM at St Cleopas
12th Feb     19th Feb     26th Feb     5th Mar

St Gabriels  1000am         St Cleopas    1130am

Please feel free to join in the service that most suits you. 

St Gabriels and St Cleopas service times March 2017

12th Mar     19th Mar     26th Mar     2nd April

St Cleopas    0930am  (No children’s provision)

St Gabriels   1100am    

St Cleopas   430pm   

Please feel free to join in the service that most suits you. 


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