Sunday 6th September 2020 - we're back in a building
As mentioned in a previous episode of "Parish of Dingle", we are going back into a church building this Sunday
The plan is for us to meet as a parish in one of our church buildings each Sunday morning for the foreseeable future.
The service will start at 10.30am.
6th September - St Gabriel's
13th September - St Cleopas
20th September - St Gabriel's
27th September - St Cleopas
It will be a short service of Morning Prayer, suitable for all ages.
Currently, everyone (apart from those leading) needs to wear a face mask. There is a one way system in both buildings, and there are handwash dispensers around, too.
Families are welcome to sit with those in their "bubble" but, apart from that, we are still required to practise social distancing.
Sadly, we are not yet allowed to sing, although we will probably play some music during the service. We cannot use hymn books or service sheets, so words will be projected onto the television or screen at Gabbie's and onto the wall at Cleo's. Please sit near the front if you might struggle to see.
As throughout lockdown, I will still send the service words and YouTube links out, so you can print off the liturgy and bring it with you on Sunday, if that helps. The service will also still be available on the local phone line 0151 318 6158. If you still feel too vulnerable to attend a service, please don't feel you have to!
Hopefully, we will be able to accommodate everyone who comes. If revival breaks out, we will have to put on a second service or worship outside!
I hope all of this makes sense (as much as anything does at the moment!). I shall be in touch again tomorrow.
God bless and thank you,
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