Sunday 29th November 2020 The first Sunday of Advent
Sorry this is so late but I've had a very disjointed few days! We seem to be heading out of lockdown👍, so I shall update you on December's church services later in the week (after our PCC meeting).
I hope you are well, I know quite a few people who have been badly hit by COVID, so please stay safe and let me know if there is any help you need.
click read more to view sermon
If you would like to join us on Zoom on Sunday at 11.15am for about half an hour, we will look at three questions:
1. Where do you see signs of God's presence?
2. What does God nudge you about?
3. What makes you hopeful?
Here is the Zoom link: Siân Gasson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Siân Gasson's Zoom Meeting
Time: Nov 29, 2020 11:15 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 3040 1782
Passcode: 104686
Please join us, even if you're late!
God bless.
With love,
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