Sunday 24th January 2021 - (join in on Zoom)
I hope you are well and have so far managed to stay upright in the colder, more slippery conditions. Buzz enjoyed his first experience of snow this week, followed swiftly by his first shower!
Service and sermon:
Here's the link for our Zoom service at 10.30am on Sunday:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 5510 9886
Passcode: 786904
Please remember those of our church family who aren't too well at the moment: Pauline Cawley is in hospital, Freda is recovering at home now, so is Dick Hamilton, and a few other people have had some health concerns over the last week.
Thank you to all of you who set the church building up for Liz's funeral, all who came to pay your respects and all who stayed behind and tidied up afterwards. Please continue to pray for the family.
As always, please stay in touch and let me know if you need anything.
God bless.
With love,
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