
"Together, Working With God To See Ourselves, Our Neighbours And Our Community Transformed By Jesus"


We believe that God lives in a relationship of love - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As we gather in his name offering worship, welcome and hospitality and as we share our lives, gifts and resources as a Team, we are an expression of the unity that Jesus prayed for.

Working With God

We believe that God acts; we worship and serve a God who speaks, calls, leads and equips us, inviting us to join Him in His mission. In faithfulness to our heritage and in expectation of the new, the Holy Spirit is our guide and the Bible our guidebook.

To See Ourselves Transformed By Jesus

We believe both that God works in our lives by grace and that we have a responsibility to grow in maturity as individuals and as churches. Our lives need to be characterised by love and built on the Christian disciplines of giving, prayer, fasting, bible reading, fellowship, breaking bread and service.

To See Our Neighbours Transformed By Jesus

We believe that all people matter to God and should matter to us; their deepest need is to know Him. Therefore we are called to be a missionary church; living and sharing the good news of Jesus with our neighbours and beyond.

To See Our Community Transformed By Jesus

We believe that God wants the very best for our community. We are called to seek peace, justice and wellbeing in our parish and beyond as a sign of the Kingdom of God. We will serve and work alongside people of goodwill for that transformation to the glory of God.


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